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  • Develops voluntary attention
  • Improves attention span
  • Enhances attention stability

A Deep Dive into Attention and Psychodiagnostics

Researching and understanding the world is impossible without the active use of cognitive function such as attention. Attention plays a crucial role in any mental activity, whether it's learning, work, or play. It requires concentration, precision, and the ability to analyze various objects, phenomena, and processes.

One of the effective methods to develop and train attention is through the well-known Shulte tables. These tables have formed the basis for popular games like "Clicker" and "Clicker Plus", providing many users with hours of enjoyment. Shulte tables have become so well-known that their name often turns into an abbreviation, and the name of their creator gets lost in the depths of time.


The Shulte method was developed by the German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Walter Shulte in the mid-20th century. Initially used in engineering psychology to measure the efficiency and speed of orientational-search eye movements of operators. Since then, it has undergone numerous changes and additions.

Shulte tables consist of sets of matrices with 25 cells each (5 vertically and 5 horizontally), randomly filled with numbers from 1 to 25. The task is to find and indicate the numbers in ascending or descending order as quickly as possible. This simple yet highly effective system is often utilized in school psychology and professional diagnostics.

The use of Shulte tables has led to the development of various versions and modifications. Among them, the red-black Gorbov-Shulte tables stand out, offering even greater challenges for attention concentration.

These methodologies are widely used not only for adults but also in working with younger school children, demonstrating significant improvements in their attentiveness and concentration abilities. Shulte tables help develop skills necessary for successful learning and overall intellectual growth.

Thus, processes involving attention become not only the key to understanding the world around us but also the basis for creating educational and developmental strategies that can lead to a better understanding and management of our cognitive resources.

Shulte tables are a unique tool for cognitive development, which specialists in psychology and intelligence development note can significantly enhance voluntary attention and concentration. Renowned expert in thinking and memory development methodologies, Tony Buzan, mentions in his works the effectiveness of such training, especially in improving speed reading skills. The essence of the technique lies in training the ability to focus on multiple objects simultaneously, which is a challenging task for the human brain, given its tendency to narrow its focus.

The results of scientific research confirming that regular use of this technique contributes to achieving a state of deep concentration, similar to a meditative trance or flow state, are intriguing. Such a state not only enhances the quality of everyday tasks but also significantly increases overall productivity and efficiency in work. In a study by British researchers, it was proven that systematic training with Shulte tables leads to an increase in IQ points.

Shulte tables are also used to establish specific time norms for completing them. On average, an adult takes between 30 to 50 seconds to complete one table, with the most typical time being around 40-42 seconds. Typically, the time required to solve 5-7 tables remains relatively consistent and serves as a good indicator of the level of visual attention development and quick focus ability.

Examples of the effectiveness of practicing with Schulte tables can be found not only in sports psychology, where athletes use this method to enhance concentration before competitions but also in the educational field, where similar exercises are integrated into programs to foster children's attention. Thus, the application of Schulte tables is not limited to personal development but also has practical applications in professional activities and learning.

How the Unique Program Works

The BrainApps team is dedicated to developing cutting-edge software systems that are user-friendly, highly efficient, and capable of significantly enhancing users' cognitive abilities. One of the team's standout creations is the game "Clicker," which not only entertains but also serves as an excellent tool for brain training.

The game revolves around analyzing the game field, where players must quickly and accurately identify number sequences, thus enhancing key skills such as short-term memory, concentration, attention, and quick decision-making. For instance, the game prompts players to find a sequence of ascending or descending numbers among a set of data, requiring speed and precision.

This game is based on engaging the brain's decision-making centers, helping users process information rapidly and draw logical conclusions. Such tasks aid in improving short-term memory and serve as a beneficial attention exercise. The effectiveness of the game "Clicker" is particularly notable in enhancing multitasking abilities and focusing on details.

Individuals who regularly practice with such systems learn not only to actively listen but also to truly hear, not just to look but also to see the true essence of what's happening around them. The game "Clicker" not only stimulates mental activity but also helps maintain sharpness of mind and focus in daily life, which is essential for everyone in today's world of information overload.

Therefore, incorporating BrainApps' "Clicker" into your routine can be a reliable aid in developing cognitive abilities and maintaining mental sharpness at a high level.

Game Rules

The game board consists of a complex of multiple cells, each randomly filled with numbers. The player's task is to organize these numbers in strict ascending order in as short a time as possible. For example, if the row contains the numbers 4, 1, 3, and 2, the player must arrange them to appear as 1, 2, 3, 4.

Every mistake, whether it's incorrect placement of a number or an invalid move, leads to the loss of one "game life." This adds tension and requires the player to concentrate more and plan strategically. Conversely, each stage successfully completed without errors not only advances the player to a more difficult level but also enhances attentiveness and logical thinking.

In case of an error, the system decreases the difficulty level, allowing the player to adapt and improve their chances for future successes. This feedback mechanism helps learners understand and learn from their mistakes, thereby enhancing their skills with each game.

Upon completion of each exercise, the player receives a score reflecting their performance and level of mastery. These scores are collected and stored in the system, enabling the player to track their own achievements and progress within the educational program. Reviewing the history of their results can be instructive: by analyzing their mistakes and successes, the player can learn to optimize their strategies and tactics.

This game is an excellent way to develop cognitive functions like memory, concentration, and logic. It can be used for educational purposes as well as for entertaining leisure activities.

What are the benefits of mental exercises in a gaming format?

Brain exercises in the form of games significantly increase engagement and interest levels. An example of such an effective approach is the game "Clicker," which is available at any time and seamlessly integrates into your regular training routine through a catalog of psychological trainers. This type of training not only makes the process beneficial but also enjoyable.

Attention and thinking are processes rather than static indicators. Regular mental challenges are necessary for their development. By playing "Clicker," you not only have fun but also actively stimulate the attention and cognitive activity centers in your brain. Therefore, the game becomes a powerful tool for deep and focused thinking processes.

Moreover, such games are relevant for individuals whose professions require special concentration or those who experience mental fatigue during work. Examples of such professions include programmers, engineers, researchers, and analysts. Regular use of the "Clicker" trainer will teach your brain to process information faster and more effectively, enhancing clarity of thought and analytical ability.

Engaging in exercises on such trainers should be seen as not only an opportunity to improve mental abilities but also an investment in your cognitive health for years to come. This helps to prevent or slow down the development of age-related cognitive disorders, such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Game is based on scientific theory

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